
Compression molding of SMC mold and GMT mold
SMC is a fiber reinforced thermoset material often used for large parts where higher strength is needed.
SMC is a mixture of polymer resin, inert fillers, fiber reinforcement, catalysts, pigments, stabilizers,
release agents, and thickeners. Manufacturing of SMC is a continuous in-line process.
This process produces fire retardant, corrosion-resistance, ultra-lightweight, high strength, complex parts in a wide variety of sizes. Matched metal dies are mounted in a hydraulic molding press.
Compression molded fiberglass parts are characterized by net size and shape, two excellent finished surfaces, and outstanding part-to-part repeatability. Trimming and finishing costs are minimal. SMC is
very flexible raw material, it can be customized to meet customer's requirement based on the application environment.
The advantage of SMC molding parts is as follows:
Good dimensional stability, including excellent thermal resistance.
Excellent property retention in cold and hot environments.
Suitable for outdoor use in applications involving UV exposure and water.
The physical properties of SMC make it ideal for a wide range of components in
automotive industry. Such as bumper, seat frame, battery trays, engine covers, reinforcement beams etc.

GMT Mould (Glass Mat Reinforced Thermoplastics)
GMT is Glass Mat Reinforced Thermoplasitcs, a kind of sheet molding compound with fiber reinforced thermoplastic. It is produced on huge laminators, using a thermoplastic resin and one or more forms of reinforcement.
The process yields a lightweight, partially consolidated, semifinished composite in sheet form. GMT mould makes possible the production of large parts with low tooling costs and fast cycle
times via compression molding. The potential for parts consolidation presents the opportunity to further reduce weight and cost.
The advantage of GMT Mould parts:
Utilization of regenerated
Low forming pressure
Long storage period
Short shaping cycle
High production efficiency
The mostly application of GMT mould:
Mostly used in auto industry, building and construction industries, but also in chemical industry, packaging, sports equipment, etc.